NOTE TO SELF .... dont wear skirts on a windy day. Or just don't wear them period....Unless its like to my ankles and its a stiff skirt. This will save you from tragedies and stares. (in addition to the normal ones you always get)
So it's hot and I decided a skirt would be better than jeans today, plus I felt like dressing up a little bit. Ok so.... all was well until I got off the metro, on my way home, the wind was blowing mightily and I was praying that G would control the winds so that ummm my skirt would stay where it needed to! It was not short at all, the pic there is just to help visualize looks very similar but my skirt was longer, it was appropriate length, but it IS from america, so.... its light, most skirts here are heavy material. The non-majority girls wear shorter skirts so it wasn't unusual to see me in a skirt to my calves. Anyways, that was my little disclaimer... dont judge me ;)
Ok so I think....I hope, that I managed to go up a flight of stairs, across the bridge, and down another flight without anything too tragic or revealing happening, but this little kid noticed and well he's a kid....anyways, let me just get to the nice part.... YES THERE IS ONE....there always is.
I asked an older lady, she was chubby and short, (just helping you get a mental picture) if she could walk with me. She knew why I needed her, she didn't ask me anything, She took my arm and walked right behind me, to help me with the wind. Sigh.... then she whispered in my ear how the little boy was trying to look under, but I was wearing shorts, but still in this culture shorts are like underwear. fyi...BY little boy I'm just trying to make things sound nicer, he's old enough to know what he's doing.
Anyways... I'm glad I got in a taxi and got home and that once again the Father always puts someone nearby to come to my rescue! AND that it was just a little bit of torture but soon I was home.
Its a cute skirt too.... what a shame!