Thursday, October 8, 2009

Jaz's Oath to the King. Oct 7, 2009

I will be a diligent daughter to my King because He has lavishly endowed me with His grace, hope, and faith. So in gratitude, I will do my best to improve my faith and be a trustworthy steward.

I commit to excellence in every thing I do demonstrating an upright and virtuous character at all times. Always eager to be useful and fruitful for my King.

I will arduously pursue to understand all that my King desires His daughter to know.

I will restrain from doing what I think is best and instead be loyal and obedient to the will of my King.

I will persevere in my devotion to doing good and all things profitable despite hardship or delayed success.

In all circumstances I will look out for the betterment of the body even when it takes sacrificial service.

I will constantly dwell on the love bestowed upon me from my King and thus be motivated to be patient in love, forgiving in love, admiring in love, joyful in love, kind in love, and always hopeful in love towards all and any whom I cross paths with.

All for my Kings good pleasure.

-Beloved daughter of the King-
-For its is my King who is at work in me, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.

Phillipians 2:12-13
2 Peter 1:5-7
Proverbs 31
1 Cor. 6:12
1 Cor. 13
1 Peter 4:8

1 comment:

  1. Our Father is so proud of you and proud to be your Dad!! As your sister I am proud of you too! I think that you are awesome! And I'm so glad to be your friend!!
