Friday, January 17, 2014

If I removed myself from social media would you still know me?

Sometimes I wonder how "in-touch" I'd be with friends/family if I removed myself from facebook.
Would they email me, call, or wonder how I'm doing? Would I do the same for them?

Facebook makes it really easy to check up on people, and in your mind you know you are checking up on them and you feel connected with them, except they don't even know it and so don't even know you care.

Instead of actually speaking to each other, now a "like" is a way to show that I'm being listened to.
Comments... comments now those are special. Messages.. these are the people I think you are actually in friendship with.

Hmmm.. this social media thing is dangerous. Dangerous for communication, relationships, and self-esteem. Lol. I guess I'm just a bit far away from everyone I have on facebook.... being in a different nation... my facebook friends end up being just that... facebook friends.

It would be nice for them to cross over from just liking... to commenting.. to asking how are you.. to messaging... and hey maybe even facetiming? or how about imessaging or skyping. I have them all....

Sometimes I just feel like I'm a victim of the out of sight out of mind rule.


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